Monday, August 9, 2010

Warped Weekend

I knew this would happen. I got busy and lamented my blogging responsibilities.

Anyway, here goes the stat sheet.

I've been trying new things in order to broaden my dietary horizons. I had a tasty pizza with goat cheese, peppers and mushrooms during lunch with my mom and HJH co-workers. Working at the junior high again is going to be so fun.

Speaking of fun, the band played a karaBreauxke show in Ogden on Friday. Sam had work, so we just had people come up and sing. That was the most fun show I've ever played.

Speaking of shows, the middle of my three-day weekend was the mother of all shows -- Warped Tour. Not only did my best buds in Fire in the Skies get to play, NOT ONLY did I get in free and NOT ONLY DID I GET TO COVER THE SHOW FOR THE DESERET NEWS, but I got paid for it. Hells to the yeah.

My highlights were IWRESTLEDABEARONCE, Every Time I Die, Bring Me the Horizon (just because of their stage show; not their music), Fire in the Skies, Covendetta, hangin' with Scott and seeing lots of friends. Scott tells me the two of us should do this every year. I couldn't agree more.

Yesterday, Sara, Ty, Mikey, Stefan, Jessica, Josh, Kyle and I went to breakfast at Park Cafe. It was a pretty good time. After that, we all came over to the Towers for an "Arrested Development" marathon. We made Egg Rice Bake, which is about to be my new favorite dish. After hours and hours of AD, we got our hot tub on. Pool time ensued for hours, then everybody peaced.

Since I wasn't quite tired yet, I watched an episode of "Dexter." I've got one episode left for the second season. That's going down tonight.

Overall, it's been an awesome weekend. And with the return of E.M.B., I think I'm gonna need to finish "30 Rock Season 3" before school is back in session.

May the Force be with you.


  1. What's EMB?

    Also, I'm glad you are getting into AD and Dexter... both are great shows.

  2. Stacie, an EMB is something that makes watching TV shows waaaaay better. It has comments about the show and stuff. I'll show ya sometime.
