Wednesday, August 4, 2010

(Not Exactly) Kicking and Screaming

Being vegetarian is surprisingly easier than I thought. With the help with some crucial friends (Mitch, Esther, Liz, Randy, Julianne, etc.), I've lined up a tasty tract of talonless treats. (That was a bit of a stretch for some alliteration.)

I was awakened by a text message from my dad yesterday, asking if I wanted to go to the Panda restaurant. Since it's probably my favorite place to eat, I got excited. Unfortunately for Pops, I had a lunch date with my editor -- at the same restaurant my father wanted to attend -- to go over the story I wrote for the D-News. This restaurant is a Mongolian barbecue joint, so meat is a big deal there. My usual plate is made up of noodles, meat, meat, meat, meat and carrots. Yesterday's was noodles, bamboo (yeah, people eat that stuff), jalapenos, rice, peanuts, cabbage and a variety of sauces. Despite the lack of delectable meat, it was actually quite good.

After work last night, I ran into some "unsavory" characters on my way home. That was kind of a night ruiner, but I got through it. To improve my evening, the roommate (whose name will remain undisclosed until certain events have run their course) and I went to Smith's to pick up some hummus, pita bread, veggies and yogurt. Needless to say, it was snack time.

A few episodes of "Dexter" (Season 2 is already better than the first), some good conversation and a 3 a.m. peanut binge, it was time for bed. And now, at 1 p.m., I'm about to clean for hours.

May the Force be with you.


  1. okay, I'm official blog stalking you and I'm not sure I believe that you are a vegetarian... what brought that on?

    I do love me some Dexter, though. I'm just awaiting season 4 to show up in the mail.

  2. I'm finishing the second season tonight after work. I'm pumped.
